Domains with extension .bank

Register or transfer your domain .bank in less than 5 minutes


Included with your new .bank domain you will get

DNS Management Name Server Management
Hosting purchase Mail boxes purchase
Redirect feature Change holder data


2481 ,40
+ VAT /year
Reseller up to
2233 ,26 + VAT /year

Register the domain name with the desired extension and start creating your web project.

Thanks to the wide variety of TLDs (top level domains), the choice of extension can contribute to the success of your website. Identify the extension closest to your business or interests and make your area of expertise recognizable right away.

Intercept new business opportunities and make your business known by choosing the ideal domain.

Transfer and renewal prices


2387 ,00
+ VAT /year


2433 ,90
+ VAT /year

Requirements and limitations

fTLD requires compliance with a number of requirements that are not currently required by operators of other commercially available gTLDs, including: Mandatory Card / License verification for regulated entities ensures that legitimate members of the global banking community are assigned names of domain. Mandatory re-verification of registration data every two years or on domain renewal, whichever comes first, ensures permanent eligibility for domain names. Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) ensures that Internet users are landing on participant websites and are not being misdirected to malicious sites. fTLD will require all domain levels, from fTLD as the top-level registry to entity as registrant, to use DNSSEC for domains resolving on the Internet. Email authentication to mitigate spoofing, phishing and other malicious activity propagated via email to unsuspecting users. Multi-factor authentication to ensure that any changes to registration data are made only by authorized users of the registered entity. Advanced encryption to ensure the security of communication on the Internet to avoid interception, data tampering, etc. Prohibition of proxy / privacy registration services to ensure full disclosure of domain registration information so that evil actors cannot hide.


  • Domains of 1 to 63 characters can be registered
  • Dashes are allowed (ex.: -)
  • Numbers are allowed (0-9)