Domains with extension .mobi

Register or transfer your domain .mobi in less than 5 minutes


Included with your new .mobi domain you will get

DNS Management Name Server Management
Hosting purchase Mail boxes purchase
Redirect feature Change holder data


34 ,90
+ VAT /year
Reseller up to
31 ,41 + VAT /year

Would you like a domain name with a universally recognized extension for mobile devices? The .MOBI is perfect for you!

.MOBI domains help you create a closer connection with users who are used to using smartphones and tablets to browse the Internet. For this, also remember to make your website responsive to ensure a better user experience.

If you are looking to expand your online business, increase your visibility and protect your brand by registering your .MOBI domain.

Transfer and renewal prices


55 ,80
+ VAT /year


34 ,90
+ VAT /year

Requirements and limitations

No special restrictions or requirements


  • Domains of 3 to 63 characters can be registered
  • Dashes are allowed (ex.: -)
  • Numbers are allowed (0-9)

Extensions linked to .mobi

it com eu net org online store biz xyz pro info us de fr ch srl top shop gdn es