Domains with extension .florist

Register or transfer your domain .florist in less than 5 minutes


Included with your new .florist domain you will get

DNS Management Name Server Management
Hosting purchase Mail boxes purchase
Redirect feature Change holder data


18 ,30
+ VAT /year
Reseller up to
16 ,47 + VAT /year

The .FLORIST TLD allows all small businesses to create an easily identifiable online space.

The .FLORIST domain is intended for flower shops, gardeners, wholesalers and other businesses in the floral industry. Use it to build your website and watch your business blossom.

Grow an online following or create an e-commerce by registering the .FLORIST domain.

Transfer and renewal prices


55 ,00
+ VAT /year


40 ,60
+ VAT /year

Requirements and limitations

No special restrictions or requirements


  • Domains of 1 to 63 characters can be registered
  • Dashes are allowed (ex.: -)
  • Numbers are allowed (0-9)